In this book, Universal Meditations, I hope to take the actual experience of meditation and bring it out of its exotic orbit into the realm of everyday life as it is lived by each of us, no matter where or how we live, no matter who we are. What I offer here is a series of meditations that anyone can do, so that you, the reader, can have the actual experience of meditation as it takes place inside your mind and inside your body. These meditations, if followed, will help you learn to meditate, and learning meditation will bring to your life something that is often missing in our technological society: conscious repose of the mind.
“The meditative state, the heart, what Rumi calls the Friend — people are longing now to live more fully in this state of enlightened kindness. David Less has written an amazing experiential guidebook into that. Enter it anywhere, use it however you are led to. You will be deepened into your essential being, with David’s wise, companionable voice beside you all the way. ”
— Coleman Barks, Scholar, Poet and World Renowned Translator of Rumi
“This book by David Less provides clear instruction on posture and attitude for meditation as well as a diverse selection of meditation styles. Beginning meditators
have literally been rescued from hours of frustration attempting styles that don’t fit their nature or inclination. For those of my students who are experienced meditators, this book has become a rich resource that complements their practice.”— Jack Mangold, MSW, LCSW-C, Johns Hopkins Graduate School of Education
“David Less’s practical and poetic guide to meditation has something for everyone. Imagine a guide to meditation that is written so clearly that even a beginner can learn quickly, while experienced practitioners will discover beautiful new ways to get to the mind’s still point. I have found meditation to be a fundamental tool for expanding my consciousness. Peace within is the first step in the journey to peace for us all. ”
— John Mackey, CEO Whole Foods Market